Duckling beak hole/deformed


Mar 29, 2016
I just got two ducklings yesterday, our yellow one has a leg thst seems to turn in a bit so he is not quite as quick as the other, and something is wrong its beak. Not only what seems to be a hole but the right side is a little mishapen. Posting pics. Not sure what this is and if it needs treatment. Seems to eat okay, maybe a little slower than the other duckling. Any advice would be appreciated!


When he was in the egg he may have stuck to the side a little bit and got deformed or he's just unlucky. If he's walking and eating ok then I wouldn't worry too much about it. Keep an eye on him though, this may cause him problems later on. Also make sure you put brewers yeast or niacin supplements in their food to prevent any other leg problems.
Please keep us updated week to week. They grow quickly, and I think a number of us would like to help you keep an eye on this precious little cupcake!

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