White/skintone eggs. Where did the brown go?


Jan 12, 2016
Houston, TX
Lately we have been getting eggs that are mostly white-ish with a skin-tone color. Almost a very faint pink at times. When we first got our hens they laid dark brown eggs with rich orange yolks. Now the eggs are more white and the yolks are more yellow. We feed them Purina layena crumbles and cabbage from our garden on a regular basis. Has anybody else had this problem? The eggs taste fine, I just miss the nice dark brown eggs on our shelves.

Also, we have NO leghorns or roosters. Our layers are 2 golden comets, 1 RIR, 1 Dominicker, 1 Australorp, 1 Buff Orpington, and 1 White Brahma.
Not all of the breeds you listed would lay dark Brown eggs, are you sure that the darker laying hens haven't taken a break and the lighter egg hens are still laying?

Do you have a before and after photo?
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Eggshell color tends to fade over the laying season. I notice it most with my EEs.

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