Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Chicks Gender Help

Ok so here are some more pictures. Let me know if you need better ones. Thanks again for all the help. Such a pretty bird I would love to keep it. I do have a buyer for it if it is a cockerel. But they want one soon so I really have to make a decision now if I want to sell. On side note, what would a bird like this go for?

Thanks again


He isn't an outstanding specimen of his breed. His lacing is pretty poor quality. Definitely not show or breeder quality. You'll be lucky to get $5 to $10 for him, and that's only because it's not a very common variety.
Yeah....that's what I figured. Now to get my son to let me get rid of him. Ten year olds don't like to listen to their moms.
Just a very late coming update to this thread in case someone else is trying to figure out sex of their blue laced red. The darker chick did turn out to be a cockerel and the other a nice pullet.
I don't know how to post a question of my own so I'm sprry for asking here but i have baby chicks that i got from tractor suppy and i think she isn't a she please help

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