My Rhode Island Red is Broody!! How can I make her stay broody?!!! Please help me guys!


8 Years
Sep 9, 2015
I have actually been hoping one of my 7 Rhode Island Reds would go broody so I can have more chickens... One of mine has been on the nest since last Thur... The problem is, she gets off her nest once a day for duties, and then she gets back on the wrong nest.(This isn't the problem yet keep reading) It's cold here, so she's let the eggs get cold and I had to dispose of them. I put a new clutch of eggs under her and quarantined her to a place AWAY from the coop to keep her from getting back on the other nest, plus to get her away from the stress of other chickens. Do you think she will sit on these eggs for 21 days, even though she has been broody for 4-5 days already? Do they sit on them til they hatch, even if it takes a month? Or do they only sit on them for 20-23 days? Please help me I need her to raise chicks so I don't have to buy more! All the best, ~Clay (P.S. She is 6.5 months old.)
Takebher and her nest too a different cage let her have one nest and then have her do her duties.Do u have a rooster loop
I really don't think you can make a chicken stay broody if she decides she doesn't want to be. If she's truly broody, she should stick with it until the eggs hatch.

By separating her in a private area, giving her her own food and water, you've done about all you can to encourage her to stick it out. Nice work.

Although, you might want to look into making a cheap incubator out of a styrofoam cooler just in case she abandons the nest.
For those interested, take a small wire mesh cage big enough for the broody hen to move around in and use what ever is available for a feed & water cup. I usually use the lower 1/4 of 20oz soda bottles and punch 2 small holes a 1/2 inch apart and wire them chest level to the cage. Place her in it with no nesting material and find some wire, small nylon rope, etc... Attach to the top middle of the cage and hang it up from the ceiling about head high to you. I place my broody hens in separate small barns. This will take the broody out of them. I usually leave them there for 2 weeks just to make sure the broody is gone. Finally, I give them a higher protein feed mixed with grit, oyster shells, veggies and plenty of small bites of fruit. Works for me and they are back to laying quicker. Good luck.
I really don't think you can make a chicken stay broody if she decides she doesn't want to be.  If she's truly broody, she should stick with it until the eggs hatch.

By separating her in a private area, giving her her own food and water, you've done about all you can to encourage her to stick it out.  Nice work.

Although, you might want to look into making a cheap incubator out of a styrofoam cooler just in case she abandons the nest.
if they are bithered with too much they will abandon the nest

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