help need the good bad and ugly about owning pet Pekin ducks


Apr 18, 2016
I am 99% sure I want to get 2 Pekin ducklings I have been reading alot on them. I have a 2 year old kid and a 4 year old kid I have a pretty big enclosed dog run (no dog) and an attached dog house (can convert to something for ducks) I NEED to know the good bad and ugly about owning these ducks I live in Canada I want them to be inside outside ducks I need to know pice of diappers/food for them. I want to get them so bad but I like i Said I just need to read alot more information even tho I feel like i have read so much already! Ahh just someone help

I'd suggest asking members on the duck forum for their Pekin experiences. There is also a duck focus breed thread on Pekins that might help you out.

Ducks look like a lot of fun, hope you'll enjoy them!
glad you have joined us.

N F C has already given links to the forums that can give you some help in your decision.

You can also try to connect with folks in your area by posting under the "where am I, where are you" forum to question specific needs with your weather there.

Good luck with your planning, hope it works out to start your new adventure.
Hi and welcome to BYC - you have some great advice already so I'll just say hello!

All the best
We r getting our two ducklings tomorrow I am super excited what are the first things I will need for them? Also i don't understand how to use this site so if any one has answeres for me please message me on here please
Welcome to Backyard chickens. The best I can suggest is to post questions on the "Duck thread." put that in the search and it will pop up for you. Also I think you will learn a lot and get good advice from "people with house ducks," thread. They could tell you all about diapers, costs, etc. Of course as they grow they will needed Bigger diapers and it can be a real nuisance changing them. Ducks poop a lot and are capable of propelling it in all directions up and down, etc. They also love/need water and enjoy splashing it everywhere. None the less a lot of people do keep ducks as housepets.

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