Chickens mauled by dog, recovering, getting water and nutrition into them


In the Brooder
Apr 11, 2016
Dublin, CA
My three chickens were attacked by one of our dogs four days ago, and two are going to be OK. I had them in a shower stall ICU for four days, feeding them sugar water with eye dropper first day. Now the two want regular food, and ready to go out again. Poor Henny, she's in bad shape, she lost a big strip of skin on her neck, it looks awful. I wish they had pain meds for. Chickens. Anyway want to let you know I figured out a way to get nutrition into her. We use a nutraceutical product that is finely powdered vegetable greens, the company uses nanotechnology to reduce to essence. Humans dissolve tablespoon in a glass of juice and equal to 5 salads. I put half a teaspoon in a shot glass of water and sat there with Henny in my lap, holding it under her beak. She took tiny sips, and eventually drank all of it, poor thing. Put her in basket in shower stall with the lights off.

I imagine one could give a chicken thin pea soup or puréed vegetable broth, we had the Metagreens product on hand.

Question: if I put the other two chickens outside, can I keep her alone in ICU? I know chickens need to be around other chickens to survive, I don't want her to just give up.

Also, any advice about all of this is most welcome!


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So sorry! We had a wild dog attack several months ago, and had two hens with severe puncture wounds. I nursed them back to health and now you can't even tell they had been injured. Have you cleaned the wound? Post a picture please, so I can tell what kind of wound it is. Clean the wound with saline, then wear rubber gloves and apply triple antbiotic ointment. You could put a mirror in with her, she'll think it's another chick. Also, spend time with her. Chicks love attention! Hope this helps!
If you have a veterinarian you could see if they'd be willing to give you a prescription for Metcam (pain reliever) for your hen. Our vet doesn't do chickens but has helped us out on more than one occasion. Just a thought :).
One of my roosters was attacked yesterday morning by 2 of the neighbor's dogs. They dragged him off pulled. We thought he was dead but this morning he appeared in the weeds he had flies on him. I had a towel and put in him a box. His bottom has not feathers and skin is showing its bad but I am surprised he is alive. I cleaned his wounds with peroxide and got him to drink some. I thought about putting him in a plastic container cutting some holes maybe the flies cannot get him. He stands and can walk some. I think he maybe in shock he is breathing with his beak open. Any advice would help

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