Hens that stop laying eggs

They may well need more protein.
Layer feed is minimal in protein(~16%), the cracked corn is diluting that protein - maybe significantly depending on how much in relation to layer feed.

Either free feed a higher protein feed or stop with the cracked corn.
Oyster shell should be free fed in a separate container.

What wormer did you use and when....all birds or just the olders?
Did you enact a withdrawal period?

X2 i was asking about the size because from what I have noticed in my own birds is that the more production geared birds(sleeker) require less protein than the stockier built ones like dual purpose birds so I would either (have less corn, or add feather fixer, soybean meal, meat bird feed something that has a higher protein value than the layer feed that can help them get back to laying )
I have kept their protein level up by continuing their supplement of cat food (30% protein). The crack corn is about 3 cups for all birds only once per day. I have been mixing the oyster shell in their food, but I will put it in a separate container from now on. The de-wormer was mixed in the feed for all the birds. I used Rooster Booster's Multi-Wormer Triple Action, Type B medicated feed concentrate and vitamin supplement. There is very little directions on the container. It says to mix it in the food, but does not say anything about over how many feedings, but it does say that there is no withdrawal period necessary. Without having any other directions, I mixed it in the feed for 2 days, waited 10 days, and then mixed it in their feed for two more days.
I have kept their protein level up by continuing their supplement of cat food (30% protein). The crack corn is about 3 cups for all birds only once per day. I have been mixing the oyster shell in their food, but I will put it in a separate container from now on. The de-wormer was mixed in the feed for all the birds. I used Rooster Booster's Multi-Wormer Triple Action, Type B medicated feed concentrate and vitamin supplement. There is very little directions on the container. It says to mix it in the food, but does not say anything about over how many feedings, but it does say that there is no withdrawal period necessary. Without having any other directions, I mixed it in the feed for 2 days, waited 10 days, and then mixed it in their feed for two more days.
I think that stuff (Hygromycin B?) is supposed to be used continuously to be effective.

Cat food really isn't a great protein booster long term, there's a lot of fat in it which can effect overall condition and thus laying.

When you feed other foods, more than 10% of daily volume,
you are also diluting the vitamins and minerals in the chicken feed,
which can be essential to the birds absorbing the nutrition effectively.

I mean....you can do it, and they won't die, but the question here is loss of production.
When there's a laying problem, it's best to go back to good simple basics...a good formulated feed and plain water.
Thank you so much. I think you have given me sound advice. I am going to go back to the basics, and see if that is the answer I am looking for. Thanks again!

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