Crow aggression with ducks?


6 Years
Feb 21, 2016
Saw something unexpected today- has anyone seen crows be aggressive with their ducks? A crow was harassing my two ducks (ancona and muscovy) and they were clearly alarmed by it. I watched and the crow dove at one of them. I came outside and it flew away- my duck ran towards me as if to be relieved that I intervened. I'm assuming a crow can't hurt a duck but the aggressive behavior seemed odd. Anybody else experience this? Anything to be concerned about?
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I have not had anything happen to my own ducklings from crows, but my neighbor up the road lost multiple ducks and ducklings to crows last year. She finally got a really large covered enclosure built. So yes i beleive crows can hurt ducks. She has already lost a chick this spring to the crows too . They have a huge farm so everything cant be covered but she has a heck of a time with crows. Even with a rooster around.
Wow, ducklings I can understand- but ducks! I knew ducks are vulnerable to predators but I just didn't think a crow would be considered a threat. My ancona was clearly alarmed and I should have taken that as a clear sign.

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