How to tell BR from Black Star chicks


7 Years
Mar 2, 2012
Flint Hills KS
My Coop
My Coop
I placed an order for my friend and me from McMurray. They ship next week. I've never ordered more than one breed at a time and assume they will all be in one box.

We ordered RiR, Barred rocks, and I ordered 3 black stars for me.

She is getting 4 RiR and 4 BR. Will it be hard to tell the difference between the black star and BR chicks, so she doesn't end up raising my black stars? Pics online look very similar... =/ How can I be sure of the difference? **EDIT to add: all the chicks we ordered are females**

Also, we have meat chickens shipping this week- they are including an exotic bird. Are the exotics meat or laying birds?

Thanks so much!
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If you ordered black star pullets then it will be easy. Those are solid black while the Rocks will have a white spot on the head.

The exotic tends to be a rare breed cockerel. Last year we got a silver phoenix.
Great! I forgot to add they are females/pullets. Good to know on coloring! I figured the exotic would be a roo ... we are supposed to get one in both our laying and meat chicken orders. =/ Not sure I will need two more roosters (we have one left after culling a few) but I would love to have some pretty exotic ones ....

Thanks so much!

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