Found a Canadian goose egg!! Need help!


In the Brooder
Sep 28, 2015
Hey y'all! We have been out planting in a field and stumbled upon a goose egg by a pond, but still very much in the middle of the field. Like over 20 feet away from the border of the field where the grass starts. Anyways, we are still out here so I haven't been able to candle it very well yet. There is a goose out at the pond with a bunch of goslings, but we candles it with our cell phone enough to see it is not one that was supposed to hatch with her bunch. Did she just lay a random egg? It could be fertilized right? I really want it to be alive. :( anyway, my husband has this electric cooler/heater for our food and drinks and we have kept it nice and toasty warm in there til we get home, I have been checking on it and still turning it accordingly. Will get candling pictures when I get home! Please pray too!
do you have an incubator it looks like it is growing the dark circle in the middle is the embreyo starting to grow only been incubated for a day it looks or two.
I'm leaving this morning to go get one!!
My husband and I think she must have just laid it there and left it because she already had goslings?
yeah hopefully its still alive if you get a styrofoam one buy one of those house thermometers with the cord it will make checking the temp easier. the temp should be from 99 to 102 in a still air incubator

but just an fyi because i am sure someone will bring it up if i dont it may be illegal to have a wild canada goose without proper permits. in your state or area.
Awesome, thank you for the tips! :) and yes we have been thinking about that! I am going to do some research and see what is allowed.

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