Just a few questions..


6 Years
Sep 22, 2015
Dont know if im in the right forum nav but when someone says a chicken is say black split lavender, what does split actually look like?
Could someone maybe send me some pics of split coloured hens and explain it to me, as I couldn't find any good pics. I am mainly focused on Pekin and Frizzle split colours as they are the type of hens i am interested in getting. Also what colour is Mille Fleur?
Thanks heaps, sorry for sounding so inexperienced, I dont really know heaps about naming colours :)
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A Black split for Lavender would appear Black. Lavender is a recessive blue dilution gene; a bird which is "split" is a carrier of Lavender but being recessive won't actually show it. It can, however, pass it on to its offspring, creating either more splits or pure Lavenders depending on what it's bred with.

Mille Fleur is a red or gold base with mottling and spangling added. It goes by several different names depending on the breed in question - Mille Fleur, Spangled, Speckled, Jubilee, Aloha, Calico, and Mottled are some common ones, but they are all more or less the same color, with minor differences. For example Mille Fleur usually refers to a bird which has a gold base, while Spangled and Speckled almost always refer to a bird which has Mahogany and other red enhancers to make the base color a rich or deep red. Calico, on the other hand, refers to a bird which has very obvious mottling, making it appear quite white in color, and "Aloha" is more of an umbrella term which can refer to any of the above or sometimes any bird with mottling/spangled and combinations thereof.

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