I need eggs!


Apr 26, 2016
My hens that I got last spring still have not begun to lay eggs... Am I ever gonna get eggs from them? Or is it too late?
I have barred rock Rhode Island reds and buff orps. I have a them in a pen with a chicken house. Plenty of space and food and water.
How old are they? Under 4 years they should be laying. Do they free range? They could be hiding eggs. Many things can affect laying. If they haven't laid in a year they probably won't.
I got them as chicks last April...
I don't have any current pics of the barred rocks. My coop has 2 separate sides cause I also have a lavender orp rooster.
I see bright red combs and obvious hens. Do they have nestboxes? Have you heard them sing the egg song. They could be eating the eggs. You should be getting something. I would have a really good look around for hidden nests, then spend a day observing them to see exactly what they are doing.
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