Baby Wyandotte - Roo or Hen


In the Brooder
Mar 29, 2016
I'm a first time BY Chicken owner. Although I bought sexed black, RIR, and now my baby Wyandotte....I'm wondering if somehow, my Wyandotte is a roo? He/She is 6wks old and more blushed out on the comb than my 8 wk Sex Linked/RIR. Interested in others opinions... TY in advance.

Just an update....You guys were 100% on the mark. Here's a more recent pic of him and over the last week I've seen the tell-tale signs of sickle feathers that have almost a peacock iridescence to them. Thanks for your help. God blessed me, as I was hoping for at least one Roo to keep my girls safe as they roam the yard.


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