Goat utter questions


May 4, 2016
Ok so I'm pretty new at goats. I have boars, Nubians, and an alpine. My boar, I bought her at the flea market, surprised me and had a baby. He's about 4 months now and doing great. My momma, Ginger, I believe has mastitis. I tried milking her, I'm not getting anything out of her. Her utter is so uncomfortable that it's now causing her walking problems. I'm trying everything, and about to get a vet involved. Her utter is dry and rough feeling, I'm now putting utter balm on it, also going to try the coconut/peppermint remedy I've seen on here. We are also giving her antibiotics. My big question is how else can I help her? I can't milk her, because I think she's dried out. Her bag is semi hard, not rock hard like I've read on some posts. It's warm to the touch. My goat is eating just fine and walking around, although I can see the discomfort she's experiencing. This all happen kinda quickly. She's always had a lopsided bag so that's why I didn't think too much about it. It's now that I can see it's bothering her, and that's what made me start feeling her and found that there is something wrong. Any suggestions would help.
She could have an abscess, which will break open at some point. Otherwise mastitis is treated with injectable antibiotics as well as stripping out the the milk than using a infusion into the test, than stripping out and doing it again. If she's dried on it than antibiotic injections are your only recourse. My thoughts would be on the abscess though.
I didn't think about an abscess. I'm going to just have the vet take a look at her. She was in rough shape when we rescued her and we've been working on her one thing after another.
I had one with the same sort of thing, eventually it busted open than finally healed. Sounds like she has a better life now. Hopefully the vet can help you out with her.

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