Help with "Silkies"?


7 Years
Jun 9, 2015
Rhode Island
I met a couple at my local TSC store that were looking to get rid of 4 "silkies". They claimed they were 4 months old, but I think they meant 4 weeks old... not that it matters to me, I was just excited to be adding to my flock!
Upon getting them home, I noticed one had smooth feathers, yet all the traits of your standard silkie. Black skin, crest, and the 5 toes. It will be interesting to see what it grows into! I've had them 3 weeks now, and I'm struggling with what gender they may be. I'm thinking 3 girls and a cockerel.
Just looking for anyone who could share their knowledge with me!
Thank you in advance!




They look to be 4 months old. The silkies at my local TSC were of very poor quality this year. Many were hard feathered, lacked head feathering, and frequently lacked leg feathering. They were poor quality at best and cross bred at the worst. I see at least one cockerel in the lot.
This is my first time with silkies. They were SO small, I figured they couldn't be 4 months, but I, also, haven't had bantams before...
I noticed one of them didn't have feathered feet. They must be cross-bred. Oh well, at least they're adorable!!
Thank you for your input!:)

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