Found Duckling, Not sure what to do


May 15, 2016
We just found a duckling on its own. We have him in a box and am heating him with a lamp for now. I have no idea if he's injured, just hatched, or what. I chopped up a hard boiled egg and have some water in with him, but beyond that, I don't know what to do from here. He is sitting but at times leans far back so he could be injured. Can anyone help as to what we do next or how to nurse him back to health if he's indeed injured? Thanks!
Looks like a fairly new hatched duckling... has it drank or ate at all? Made an peeping noises?
Does it seem to be just sleeping ir is it struggling when it tilts back?
we just took him to the wildlife sanctuary--hope he does alright. thanks for all the help!
Aw, he's cute. From glancing at the picture, he could have just been nodding off. New ducklings lean back pretty far sometimes.

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