My duck broke her foot

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I give my chickens st John worts because it numbs the nerves I give 2 tablespoons of distilled water with 1 tablet to dilute it and don't let metal touch it, it corrupts the herb but give them 15 drops of the mix every 12 hours and it'll aleviate the pain.
So i took my elle duck to the vet last week. The vet gave me some antibiotics and a pain killer, almost doen with antibiotics and pain killer was done yesterday, but she still osnt walking. Her foot appears less infected lookong than it was but ia still all konda shriveled up looking. Ive been doing pt with her alot every day, making her try to stand and trying to flatten oit her foot, she doesnt appear to be improving much. Actually she seems to have lost some control in her good leg, maybe from being off of it for so long? Tje vet mentioned maybe a bitth defect? How do i know what to do, im so tired of waiting on her hand and foot i just want her to be better. She is an american pekin duck possibly of the larger breed. The vet didnt tell me what the borth defect is called if it is one or what to do to take care of her. I believe ive gotten rod of her bumblefoot but how the heck to i care for her now. Can i jist keep her flapping herself around the yard on her belly or is that evil. I love her so much and she snuggles and loves me, giving up on her is not an option but im so tored of not knowing what to do.
I for some reason cannot make my phone start a new feed for this, i thought her leg was broken originally but i dont think it is anymore cuz the vet didnt say it was

There are mobility tools that people use with special needs ducks. Several people on the duck forum, and a number of people on FB care for them and have built or found very useful chairs, carriages, slings, and supports.

If you have not yet done so, I would still give her some extra B vitamins. Here is a writeup telling you what the options (that I know of) are:

People often get confused about what to use, so please stick with me here

You have some options.

I would go with brewer's yeast. Forgive me for using capital letters, but for anyone else who may casually look over this thread, NOT baking yeast, NOT winemaking yeast. Brewer's yeast is a nutritional supplement and it provides niacin and a few other vitamins.

Generally, folks who supplement with brewer’s yeast use a tablespoon per cup of food.

Ducklings need about three times the niacin chicks do. And some ducklings get leg problems or seizures if they don't have enough niacin.

If you cannot find the brewer's yeast, or if you happen to have (here come the capital letters again, please forgive me) PLAIN niacin - NOT no-flush, NOT timed release, then dissolve 150 mg niacin per gallon of water for the duckling’s drinking water.

Another approach is to use B Complex capsules, and use the B3 - niacin - levels as a guide. Again, 150 mg B3 per gallon of drinking water.

Keep the little one on the supplements for about 8 weeks.

Sometimes it only takes a few days to see improvement.

You can also see how it went for Qwackers and Bentley from these threads.
I tried so hard to save her. I got her bumble to completely go away but the top of her feet were still all black from her beating herself trying to get her feet under her by herself at nigjt so i built her a bouncer and that got her feet to clear up and look like a normal duck. I tried everything and nothing improved her to a point of quality of life that she deserved. She was always shaking and always trying so hard. I left for camping for a week and my family was carong for her. They decided to take her to be put down while i was gone. I just wish there was a way i could have helped her so she could still be my baby duck. Rip elle :-(

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