

Duck Lover
7 Years
May 18, 2016
I have been lurking for a couple of months now and just decided to join. I have seven hens (three barred rocks, three black hens who I don't know their breeds and one buff orpington) and three chicks Skylar, Minnie and Firsty. Although I have had chickens my whole life I just recently got into chickens as pets and I really love it.

The chicks, yes they are different ages.
Think a lot of us were lurkers before we joined ... nothing wrong with that! It's fun to have chickens for pets, isn't it? Your chickens look very nice.
glad you did decide to join us.

You have a lovely flock. If you want to try to ID the Black Hen - post a solo pic of her under "what breed, gender" forum and likely someone can tell you her breed.

Are the chicks getting along? Honestly I would be worried placing such different ages together, but I am a worrier and don't have your past experiences.
Thanks. They are getting along really well. They watch out for each other and sleep in one pile every night. I also have a very large brooder so if they want to get away from each other they can.
Hello and welcome! Please check out the Learning Center if you haven't yet. Mixing ages in flocks needs to be monitored heavily. If you see injured birds separate them ASAP. Adding new birds is a challenge. Be patient and give them time to get use to each other and step in before they draw blood. Good luck!
She is two weeks old today. I am checking on them a lot and if I see any bullying I will take that chick away from the other two. They have done really well and they peep very loudly if separated from the other chicks though so I hope I don't have to. This is the size of the brooder so I can section off a corner of it if I need too.
This is a picture of there brooder with a full grown chicken in it. She had been attacked by a dog but with a bit a luck and blue-kote she is back with the flock and doing great.
Hi and welcome to BYC - great to have you onboard with us. I hope that you enjoy being a member and share your experience with the rest of the membership.

Best wishes

:welcome   glad you did decide to join us.

You have a lovely flock.  If you want to try to ID the Black Hen - post a solo pic of her under "what breed, gender" forum and likely someone can tell you her breed.

Are the chicks getting along?  Honestly I would be worried placing such different ages together, but I am a worrier and don't have your past experiences.

A note, if it is helpful- I have placed chicks a couple weeks apart in ages together and they got along wonderfully. I think the little ones look up to the biggest ones as "momma".

So it has been done! :D

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