Move to coop


In the Brooder
May 24, 2016
My babies are 4 weeks old and we have them a brooder in their own room right now. I have not been able to get the temp in the room lower than 85 with the red light that we have so I only run it at night. We want to move them to the coop but the nights he down to the mid 40's. I'm worried that they will not get used to the colder nights. It has been mid 80's durring the day here. We have moved the light, went to a smaller bulb and it still stays about 85 when I Chek it. I want to move them because the room is pretty dark all the time. (The 1 window doesn't get much light). Should I just not use the lamp at all? I just don't want them to not be acclimated to the temps before we make the big move.
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Does the coop have any other chickens? If not go ahead put them out there.. run a cord and hang a light to just come on at night.. slowly wean them off light in next few weeks
How feathered are they? I'd put them out. If you're worried, bring them back at night. Our first batch are about to turn 4wks on Wednesday (16 total). It's very warm this week so we put them out awhile ago but we'll bring them back in a bit.
If your chicks have wing feather that pretty much cover their backs and at least some back feathers, they don't need any more heat. To get them used to cooler temps, let them spend days in the coop, and if it's below 50F, let them spend a few more nights indoors in their brooder, but with no heat.

If you have adult chickens, you will need a safe pen.

A few days of this strategy, they will be comfortable in the coop with no heat at night.

While it's dangerous to subject chickens to abrupt changes in temperature, they do adjust very quickly when exposed gradually over a few days.
I put my chicks in the pin at 6 wks. I had one die the three about 3 days later and it looks like two have one eye swollen shut. Any ideas
Thx everyone. I don't have adults. First tI me around with my little ones. I would say girls bUT I think I may have a couple roos. The 2 that are feathering slow may need more time inside I guess. I have 6 and 4 have tons of feathers..just not their heads and the other 2 still have fuzz on their backs. Tried to post pics but they r not uploading
I took my lamp away from our girls at 4 wks as it was 75-80 degrees in garage where brooder is at. Turned back on 3 days ago as we had pecking issues.
They WILL adapt to no lamp just monitor for first little bit and make sure have room to separate. I started taking them outside at 3 wks for awhile then moved up to hours. This wk they were out 7 hrs but that was the pecking day. It's been overly hot here. They are 5 wks now, moving to coop next week when coop is finished. The babies are 2 wks and been out once.
Finally did it, we moved them out and they love it. Spent their 1st night out and they were fine in the morning and excited to be outside. Thanks everyone for the advise.

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