Hello My name is Ilea and I'm scared of chickens---oh wait, wrong group....


May 22, 2016
Blacklick OH
Well, it's sort of true anyway. I'm more scared of killing them or harming them though than actually being scared of them. Chickens are cute. I'm hoping to start my coop in Blacklick OH sometime this year so I joined to learn some of the things to expect and to watch out for.

I have no idea what kind of chickens I want, except I want them to be non-cranky.

Just wanted to say hello :) Have a nice day! Thanks for reading!
Why are you scared of a chicken?

They are completely harmless and you cane asily beat them up.Roosters,I could see beings cared of those little brats,but hens usually are not aggressive.

What do you expect in your chickens,also welcome to BYC!
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join us here! Try not to be too scared I'm sure you will do fine and won't be killing or harming any chickens. Everyone here can help you also the way with any questions that you have.
The learning centre is also a great place to check out ~ https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center
Lots of great articles there that will help you get prepared for your new chicken adventures.

Wishing you the very best of luck and enjoy BYC :frow
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Ha! I love your title. Welcome to the world of chicken people! Lots of good advice here on every possible aspect of how to do chickens, raising them from baby chicks, etc. This site is an amazing resource. You may even find local people to connect with/get chickens from.
Be sure to read the breed reviews on this site, some breeds are known for their excellent temperament. It is a good idea to study beforehand. Chickens are very hardy, don't be afraid you'll kill them. Good luck!
and Welcome to BYC!

I'm sure once you get chickens you love them! Chickens (hens and rooster and any type of breed) can be nice or mean depending on how you raise them. I'm sure you'll do fine keeping your future flock healthy and alive :)! My favorite breeds (but I'm bios
) are: Barred Rocks, Easter Eggers, Orpingtons, and Wyandottes.

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