Rollie pollies!


10 Years
Jul 29, 2013
Southern Illinois
Not sure if there is already a thread for this or not...but I've noticed that there are quite a few pill bugs (Rollie pollies) in the coop in the evenings and also in our goat house. I've heard they feed mainly on rotting organic matter. My question is, are they harmful to chickens or goats at all? All inputs welcome!
My girls love them and I don't think there are any issues. Earwigs too (pincher bugs). Both are extremely abundant this year, so when my girls see me in the yard moving stuff they haul butt to get the rewards under whatever I'm moving.
Thanks to both of you! Just wanted to be sure there was nothing to worry about. It's an added bonus that they're a tasty treat for the ladies. Thanks again!

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