Breeding question!!!!!!!


5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
I have Muscovies and I was wondering what incourages them to breed more and produce ducklings? And is there a "perfect" environments for breeding Muscovies??
In my experience muscovies are very easy to breed - they need little encouragement. Access to swimming water is always a plus, adequate feed and a safe environment in which to lay and brood their eggs. They are excellent at brooding and protecting ducklings.
Should I leave some eggs she laid in there to encourage sitting on them? I also noticed some neck feathers missing from her neck? Is that normal or too violent?
Allowing her to build a full clutch by leaving the eggs might encourage her to go broody. I never removed eggs from my hens. If you only have the one hen, she may be somewhat over mated. Drakes are horny creatures. Some drakes will even try to breed hens while they are setting on the nest.
I have 2 females but my one is a Rouen and disabled in a way. And okay! I will see if she sits on them from leaving them in the nesting box! And I was wondering if when they breed how long does it take to lay fertile eggs? I know for Rouens it takes 2 weeks...(I ised to breed and show these birds)
Actually it only takes 3 days from an initial mating for eggs to be fertile. Chickens can maintain high fertility for two weeks, moderate fertility for three weeks and some fertility for up to a month after mating. Not certain about ducks, but they can retain viable sperm for considerable time also.
Thanks!! I'll keep you updated if they start sitting on the eggs soon!!
if you have a body of water thats great i breed muscovies and 5 other breeds of ducks. i find after the flock flies or they chase the females the will mate alot
Okay almost everyday I put a pool in there for them to keep the oils on their feathers but they don't seem to get the point at first but now they have gotten quite active. Any other suggestions for breeding muscovies??
i would keep the pool in there permanently. how many muscovies do you have?if you have a pair I dont see why you wouldnt have good eggs. the male may be sterile.

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