Sign Stolen?

It is about the sign, right?

The newest version of the sign quotes the bible. It says, "Thou shall not steal". That's funny on oh-so-many levels.
"Thou shall not steal"? *shrugs* Why? not many people of any religion will say that the 10 commandments aren't good rules to live by in general, even if a few of the specifics don't apply to all religions. Stealing, lying, carrying false tales about others etc, all things to be avoided... like one post said, "Be good for goodnss sake" We shouldn't need much more reason than that.

Stealing a sign, even if it offends you because it speaks against something you believe, well, that's a broken commandment too...
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Most of what you said was good and made sense. This part, however, sadly, does not.
It is EXACTLY this attitude that causes problems. The whole I will defend your rights....well, except for THOSE guys. The second you decide not to defend the rights of those "who promote bigotry, hatred or injustice" you have decided to defend only those YOU approve and are, yourself, guilty of bigotry. We live in a country where even the vicious, unjust, hating bigot has the same rights as the rest of us. My husband, his father before him, and so many others are part of our military, defending the rights of the bigot right along with the good guy.

Anyway, why that is relevant is this.....because this is personal. Every single one of us has the right to think, feel worship, love, hate......whatever, how we choose. AT HOME. We can display any type of decoration we choose on our own lawn. It can promote love, it can promote hate, it can promote your brand of toilet tissue if you so choose. AT YOUR HOME. That is where it should remain for ALL beliefs.
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Could I put up a sign that says,

In this season of remembering the sacrifice of the Son of God, may reason prevail.

There is only ONE God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Whose only begotten Son died to save us.

There are angels, who serve our God, and devils, who serve the enemy of mankind Satan.

Heaven is a real place for those who are righteous. Hell exists for those who do not believe in God, and those who die without Him must face everlasting torment.

Religion has been used to enslave minds through myth and superstition, but FAITH in the Lord Jesus is freedom and transcends all bondage. GOD BLESS.

In fact, lots of places have done exactly that. Where I used to live in Kent, Ohio, they regularly gave space to an itinerant preacher "Brother Chuck"who would rent time in public spaces, especially public school yards, to post large signs that said just that, and he would set up a PA system and scream loudly at every woman who walked by that she was a whore/evil for wearing shorts or cutting her hair. Once, just once, a student at the school asked him to leave after his alloted time was up, so the student's group could have the space for their own use, and the preacher punched him and broke the kid's nose. When it went to court, the town told the student he was infringing on the preacher's rights, even though the preacher's rented time was up. We had KKK members preaching on the state capitol steps in Columbus. When I lived in more rural parts of PA and in Amish country, it was normal to go downtown to the public square to see a movie or whatever, and see signs that read exactly that on public gov't property, plus various quotes from the Old Testament, accompanied by preachers screaming that everyone was going to heck or whatever, passing out flyers and such.

The town's rationale was, anytime someone else wants to do the same, they're welcome to, but every time anyone else asked, there was somehow always a "paperwork technicality" or a "scheduling mishap" or, in one case, a "public safety concern" such that no one who wasn't a very devout Christian could do the same.

Seriously, have you SEEN the things posted by the Phelps clan in Kansas? They have marches and parades and such on public property all the time even though lots of people wish they would just go away and find them offensive and disrespectful.

I honestly have no clue where devout Christians get the idea that they are oppressed and discriminated against and can't express themselves in public. It's completely to the contrary of everything I've ever seen or experienced. But with respect to making a display of one's faith in the public square, doesn't Matthew 6:5-6 have something to say about that?​
When did we start celebrating the birth of a holiday. We are going to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Also, religion and Christianity are 2 totally different things.

You can worship a cow and be religious, but to be Christian is to serve an Almighty God. You cannot serve 2 masters.

I think this country has gotten away from the foundations that it was built upon. Our fore-fathers built the country upon a Rock which is Jesus Christ, but now man has begun to build upon shifting sand and my Bible (KJB) states that the fall will be great.

I am happy to say that I serve a risen Savior and He's in the world today, He Lives, Christ Jesus lives today, He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. Praise God I called upon Him and He heard me and He saved my soul and I will live with Him eternally. AMEN & AMEN

What other god can do that?

So..........................MERRY CHRISTMAS

It's worth saying and I'm not afraid to say it.
Your assuming that everyone is a Christian and that Christmas is the only holiday celabrated in December.
Our country was built on freedom of religion not YOUR religion.
I celebrate Winter solstice am not religious and will (as christians would say) burn in hell.

Last time I checked these are the principles our nation was founded upon:

"I may grow rich by an art I am compelled to follow; I may recover health by medicines I am compelled to take against my own judgment; but I cannot be saved by a worship I disbelieve and abhor. "(Thomas Jefferson, notes for a speech, c. 1776. From Gorton Carruth and Eugene Ehrlich, eds., The Harper Book of American Quotations, New York: Harper & Row, 1988, p. 498.)

Convinced that religious liberty must, most assuredly, be built into the structural frame of the new [state] government, Jefferson proposed this language [for the new Virginia constitution]: "All persons shall have full and free liberty of religious opinion; nor shall any be compelled to frequent or maintain any religious institution": freedom for religion, but also freedom from religion. (Edwin S. Gaustad, Faith of Our Fathers: Religion and the New Nation, San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1987, p. 38. Jefferson proposed his language in 1776.)

Is uniformity attainable? Millions of innocent men, women, and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half the world fools and the other half hypocrites. To support roguery and error all over the earth. (Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1782; from George Seldes, ed., The Great Quotations, Secaucus, New Jersey: Citadel Press, 1983, p. 363.)

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