Stray turkey...what breed is this?


8 Years
Jul 5, 2011
Redkey, IN
I had a female turkey walk into my yard yesterday. She seemed to like the place and has decided to stay. She even goes in the coop with our turkeys and chickens at night. At first I thought she was a wild turkey but her feather coloring isn't right. Also she is at too friendly to be wild. Anyone know what she is? Maybe a wild crossed with a domestic? Her bone structure is much smaller than my self blue turkey hens. Here are some pics.




I had a female turkey walk into my yard yesterday. She seemed to like the place and has decided to stay. She even goes in the coop with our turkeys and chickens at night. At first I thought she was a wild turkey but her feather coloring isn't right. Also she is at too friendly to be wild. Anyone know what she is? Maybe a wild crossed with a domestic? Her bone structure is much smaller than my self blue turkey hens. Here are some pics.

Definitely not a wild turkey and may actually have some slate in her background. Looks like a Mottled Black to me.
Thank you. She has definitely been on her own for a long time. She seems to be very happy here. Last night she roosted next to our tom so I know she has been accepted.
She does look like a mottled. Glad she found a home. Poor girl..Wonder where she came from....

I noticed you had "Tiger Bronze"...any chance you can post some pictures for me to drool over??

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