Baby duck sneezing fluid?? Help!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 27, 2014
I hatched a welsh harlequin June 1 (4 days old). I've realized he's been sneezing and just today he's been sneezing clear watery fluid. Should I be worried? Most things I've read say take him to a vet but I can't afford that. Anyone know what could be wrong and how I can treat him?
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Clean brooder, give clean water and make sure food is changed often. Keep warm. Add apple cider vinegar, about 2 tsp to 1/2 gallon to water. This will boost immune system.
Does the duckling have a water cup deep enough to dunk it's head in? Ducks need to be able to blow out their nares in water to clean them and to rinse their eyes out...
I thought the water dish he had was deep enough but I found out it wasn't so I added a little dish it's deep enough water.
@RavynFallen he is very alert, active, eats and drinks just like any other duckling. He has a deep enough dish now to dunk his head but still sneezing maybe a little less now.
Might have had some uh... 'boogers' buildup inside his nares... as long as he is active, eating, drinking and otherwise well, I wouldn't worry too much... :)
@RavynFallen new problem has appeared, just today he has started drooling and almost looks like he is gagging.

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