

Dec 30, 2015
I bought a old English game bantam 5 weeks ago. She seemed healthy when I bought her but after a week or so she started to sneeze very occasionally. Over the past week she has started sneezing more and her eyes are a bit watery. She seems to be limping a bit spending time sat down. Does this sound like mycoplasma? Reading about this seems the most likely cause I think?

She is still in isolation although with one of my other birds to keep her company. If it is mycoplasma then I will have to cull both birds. The other bird is showing no signs of being ill.
Does she have any swelling of her feet or leg joints? Sneezing and watery eye might be bronchitis, but if the limping is from a swollen joint, that may be Mycoplasma Synovitis. Could she have picked up something from your hens that may not have been apparent before? Mycoplasma symptoms can show up within a few days after exposure, or if she was harboring the infection before, could have shown up with some type of stress. I would see if you could get her tested locally through the local extension agent or a vet. The state vet through your dept. of agriculture may also help you. Tylan and oxytetracycline can be used to treat mycoplasma (MG and MS,) but don't start before testing is done since it may affect testing results.
I'm quite new to chickens so don't really know what a swollen joint would look like. I can't catch her - she's not that immobile. I've not heard her sneeze today, although she's got a runny eye.

I'm not sure how to get her tested. If she tests positive she will have to be culled as its a notifiable disease and the state vets will cull the chickens.

I don't think she would have caught it from my bird in with her. I've never had any illness ir deaths in my flock. Most of my flock, including the one in with the sick chicken, are young birds hatched this year and I've not lost any of them. I would have thought if I had an underlying problem then some of the babies would have got sick?
This article has some good pictures of mycoplasma synovitis, and the second one gives symptoms. What state are you in? Many people have mycoplasma positive flocks, and most hatcheries are not mycoplasma clean. That said, I would probably cull as well. Many would want a lab result first. I would at least speak with your state vet, and ask about regulations, where to get testing, and hopefully some of these links will help:

I'm in Ireland. I've tried searching to find how to get her tested anf I'm not finding anything for live birds at least. I've found some reference to being able to take dead birds in for testing for free.

Mycoplasma is a notificable disease here and infected flocks should be culled. I don't know if a positive test of a bird in quarantine will mean getting rid of my main flock, or if I could get them tested separately.
Were you able to find out anything? 

Not really. Took her to the vet, who gave her 5 days of baytril. She's still sneezing. She's not snuffly still though. She started laying again and now seems to be going broody. The other hen with her seems fine. There have been some sneezes from my main flock, but no one down there seems ill, just the occasional sneeze. I've now got a load of 5 week olds and a load of 1 week old chicks in the main flock with broodies and none of them seem ill.

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