Help! Attacked chicken!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 26, 2014
I have a 2 year old black start. Attacked last night by something.

Does not seem to have a broken beck since it is drinking but has a large wound on her neck. Not sure what to do.

I cleaned it with a diluted solution of peroxide and put in neoapourin. Covered wound.

Do I have to cull her? When do I know ? She has popped but not eaten. She barely moves.
I had a similar situation last year. One of my girls had a chunk of feathers ripped out by something. She didn't want to move a lot as I'm sure it hurt. I sprayed her wound with wound spray from Tractor Supply Co. After a few days the would looked better and she seemed to feel better. The feathers eventually grew back!
She should survive, just keep neosporin on the wound until it scabs over. Your main threat is maggots, if u can keep her screened in away from flies would be great. Our dog saved our chicken from a falcon attack but not before it did some real damage. The whole back of her neck was lacerated and we were just treating the neck, and didn't see lacerations on her breast too, which got infested with maggots. She is still kicking, but for days, she was depressed and traumatized. Today she rejoined the flock, moving slowly but acting more like herself. I still don't know if she will make it, i thought she would die a week ago, just proves how resilient chickens are. This pic is the back of her neck which is dried up and healing but we treated it quick. Be sure to check yours good for other injuries!
Great advice . I did not see any other open cuts. My only fear is she won't ever pick up her head again . She has not moved much at all .

Should I keep the wound covered? It's hard to since its on her neck.

Will see lay agin ?

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