Help with ACV


6 Years
Jul 15, 2013
Hello everyone! I have some apple cider vinegar that I am wanting to give to some of my chicks that are 4 weeks old. How much do I give to them with a quart waterer? Is it safe to give to chicks? I don't want to give it to them and have them die because they're my babies. Thanks for your help!
ACV won't kill your chicks.
Some people do a 50/50 ratio, but I would start with about a table spoon per quart, that is a good starting amount. If you are still uncomfortable with that, cut it back by half.
When using ACV, don't use it for an extended period of time; use it for about a week then cut it back out, then add it back in a month or so later. You can also use a product called save-a-chick, great for day old chicks getting them out of a rough patch.
Good luck!
are you just wanting to do this as a general tonic, i assume? if so id say about a teaspoon per quart is fine. but its fairly flexible, id say you just dont want it tasting or reeking strongly of vinegar. for worming or other clinical purposes, i might do more temporarily, perhaps. you want unpasteurized, live-culture acv for the benefits, of course, too.

btw we dont use acv in the water because we do fermented feed instead (which often has acv added). i think thats a more practical way to go actually in general, but not everyone wants to do ff for whatever reasons...

hope that helps...

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