Giving corrid to sick chick

Seeing more bloody poop tonight
worse than its been. Today was day 7 of corrid. Other than getting the poop tested, what else can I do tomorrow ? Stop the corrid ?

Can you post some photos of what you are seeing?
I'm so sorry for the delay. I saw bloody poop last night and then saw your post. There were no bloody poops all day and then tonight again. I attached a picture. They seem totally fine but I am seeing a few random feathers falling out on the shavings. May or may not be normal. Let me know what you think. Thank you

They are five weeks old?
You will see feathers shedding - at that age they go through "mini-molts" they will be molting most likely a few more times until they get their "adult feathers" - then will molt once a year thereafter.

The last poop photos you posted still look like intestinal shedding to me.

If they are eating, drinking, pooping, active and running around like normal chicks then they are most likely fine. A sick chick will be lethargic, weak, not eating/drinking and puffed up (huddling).

Here's some info on poop:

Here is a video (could be a bit disturbing) of a chick that has cocci - the chick with symptoms starts around the 1:55 mark (the whole video is informative though).

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