(7) ten day old Chicks! What gender? Marans (1Black/2Blue), Ameraucanas (1Black/1Blue/1Splash), Oliv


Jul 10, 2016
Camdenton, Missouri
Hello guys!!!!

I just got these guys from the nicest lady on Tuesday. We drove almost 8 hours round trip to get them. After having a devastating incubator failure, getting these guys is definitely the highlight of my summer :) These guys are all 10 days old. I'd like to get your best guess and I will be sure to update with new pics periodically. I've got 3 pics of each and will label them with their specifics.


Chick #1
This one is a Black Copper Marans

Chick #2
Blue Copper Marans

Chick #3
Blue Copper Marans
(my 4 year old daughter named this one 'Baby' because she's very small. She was hatched from a pullet egg.)


Chick #4
Black Ameraucana

Chick #5
Blue Ameraucana

Chick #6
Splash Ameraucana

Chick #7
Olive Egger
(this one is a Marans/Ameraucana cross. It has a fingernail polish dot his head to distinguish these guys from the other breeds in the brooder)
The breeder gave me this one for free for driving such a long ways. I was very surprised and so happy :)

Cream Legbar Chickies!
I already know these are PULLETS but they are so cute and wanted to share :)



They're all girls, RIGHT???

So cute! They are too young, but the Black Ameraucana has a cockerel look to him/her with the way he/she is standing. Five or six weeks is about the minimum of being able to accurately sex most chicks, unless you have a sex link or a early blooming cockerel.
There are two versions. Clean legged and feathered. French Marans are feather legged. Actually the APA disqualifies any Marans that are clean legged according to their SOP.
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I'm assuming you are just wanting our fun guesses. I say #2 and the splash will be boys the rest girls.

It has now been 3 weeks since hatch day. I am pretty sure I have at least 3 cockerels

What do ya think?


Chick #1
This one is the Black Copper Marans

Chick #2
Blue Copper Marans

Chick #3
Blue Copper Marans
...Cockerel...? This ones comb is not as prominent and not as red but it still has a good amount of color. This chick is also much smaller as it was hatched from a pullet egg.


Chick #4
Black Ameraucana

Chick #5
Blue Ameraucana

Chick #6
Splash Ameraucana

Chick #7
Olive Egger
Marans x Amerauana

Cream Legbar Chickies!
I already know these are PULLETS but they are so cute and wanted to share :)

I would wait and see on #7 a mix like that will have a modified pea comb. They are larger than regular pea combs and will stick out more.

This birds comb was that big by that time and has always had three rows and is a pullet.

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