Adding to young flock?


In the Brooder
Jun 28, 2016
Beautiful NW
I have four two week old chicks. One silkie, one Barnavelder and two Easter eggers. One Barnavelder died yesterday and I'm waiting a week to see if anyone else is getting sick. After that I would like to add either another silkie and a barred rock or two barred rocks. I found a feed store that has the same age range available that I have. So the chicks could be same age...can I just put them together?
That raises another question. My flock came from a breeder that has all natural food and the new once are from a feed store that gives medicated feed. What would I feed them?
If they are all the same age and size, it is safe to put them all together. They are still going to fight but there is less chance of serious injury if they are closer in size. My flock is staggered into 3 sets, each 2 weeks apart. They all survived but they definitely prefer to stay in their own age group when they free range.
Ok, to be honest I should have said my newest flock is staggered in to 3 ages. I wasn't including the original adult hens who are 3 years old and I didn't mention the 4 baby chicks hatched this week. Who's addicted, what addiction, I'm not addicted, they are my wife's chickens, no comprende... LOL

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