Granny's gone and done it again

Belladonna Lily is also known as Naked Ladies, or Belladonna Amaryllis. This beautiful lily grows green, leafy growth in the spring, then gives way to multiple pink blossoms from a slender stock in the summer months. The pink blossoms have a sweet fragrance. Plant Belladonna Lilies in containers and rock gardens. Belladonna Lilies are best planted in zones 7-10 and are considered an annual in other zones

very pretty blooms tho

witchery . that cutting tool looks easy , is it ?

those rolling razor blade things  look way  to dangerous for me to try to use   

SUUUUUUUUUUUUPER easy peasy. Luckily when I was learning to quilt my instructor would stand over me and every time I put the tool down she'd yell at me. "THAT IS DANGEROUS YOU HAVE SMALL KIDS." So I'm extremely diligent in making sure my cutting path is clear and the blade is always closed when not in use.
SUUUUUUUUUUUUPER easy peasy. Luckily when I was learning to quilt my instructor would stand over me and every time I put the tool down she'd yell at me. "THAT IS DANGEROUS YOU HAVE SMALL KIDS." So I'm extremely diligent in making sure my cutting path is clear and the blade is always closed when not in use.

but you cant find it. hahahhaaa
Quote: SUUUUUUUUUUUUPER easy peasy. Luckily when I was learning to quilt my instructor would stand over me and every time I put the tool down she'd yell at me. "THAT IS DANGEROUS YOU HAVE SMALL KIDS." So I'm extremely diligent in making sure my cutting path is clear and the blade is always closed when not in use.

I am not convinced and my fingers are short enough and we ALL know I would manage to zip a piece of something off. I am not even allowed to use super glue. as I always end up with various fingers/hands glue to each other.
On Aug 16, 2016, Reziac from Laurel, MT wrote:
Billings, Montana area, zone 4... it surprised me, all right. House sat empty and neglected for 3 years before we got it, so it dates back to before that. Last March it grew a big clump of leaves that died back by June, and that was the last I saw of it. This year it did the leaves again, died back, and suddenly now in mid-August it's sent up 7 big flower stems and is blooming like crazy.

The spot it's in gets VERY hot and dry in summer (only other thing that will grow there is bearded iris, and hyacinth in early spring; during summer everything else struggles).

This is supposed to be a tender bulb not hardy past zone 6, but no one told it. Two winters ago it was -30F here. It leafs up while there's still snow on the ground and getting hard freezes every nigh

Next year I think I'll try spreading the offshoot bulbs (the mature bulbs are huge, 4" across) to other problem spots where nothing wants to grow.

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