Granny's gone and done it again

oh boy, You got the bug. LOL  How many did you pick up and what kind ?

I know lol it's highly contagious! Well went for a dozen and she sent me home with 18! She is so nice and friendly, we talked for about a half hour. There's a mix of eggs. Some Banty orps, Ohiki (sp), EEs, and Swedish flower hens. Some pretty blue eggs
Oh I can't wait!
I can grill, cook and bake...though my best skill is grilling. At least this time I didn't screw up the bread and made good goulash last night.
Good for you! The more you cook, the better you'll get at it.

I'll always remember what my dad told me when I told him I was getting married; "make sure she knows how to cook & clean house". Mom was batting .500

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