These are the last things I read before skipping pages..

Helping an egg become a chick is always dangerous. I find I use to kill more than I helped.

Knowing when to stop is the best thing to do if you can't sit on your hands and do nothing. Most the times a chick that fails to hatch is defective anyways..... First sight of red blood and I stop.

I did go to bed, and did not sleep well at all. You are an evil woman! Nothing like my Angel Eileen.

Now for something scarier than Shaw's dermatology problems :)fl fingers crossed it is not an STD).....:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau

This is a fisher attack on my Cousin's chickens. She walked to the coop as she took this, you can see it did not stop the attack. I was going to post just the link to the Mn thread, but decided to repost this several times as I think it shows how determined fur bearing critters are to get our birds.

It's not an std! Fake Eileen don't sleep around! Lol. I just like to share so I can laugh about it. . it's either laugh or cry I'd rather laugh.
I've noticed some people get real defensive when you talk about assisting a hatch. Its defiantly a last resort if you think the chick might die anyway.
Now off to Google what a Fisher is. . that thing is persistent! Around here a lot of people lose their chickens to opossum. Or raccoons.

It's not an std! Fake Eileen don't sleep around! Lol. I just like to share so I can laugh about it. . it's either laugh or cry I'd rather laugh.
I've noticed some people get real defensive when you talk about assisting a hatch. Its defiantly a last resort if you think the chick might die anyway.
Now off to Google what a Fisher is. . that thing is persistent! Around here a lot of people lose their chickens to opossum. Or raccoons.
A fisher is a pesky predator that mostly lives way up north. Wish they'd all go jump off a cliff... I fear that they're going to get into my coop one day and kill all my birds.
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