Please help with identification

I also need some breed identification help! Finally received my much anticipated order of assorted egg layer pullets (day old) from Ideal hatchery. One little black baby didn't make it :( But it was a long trip from Texas to Kauai. Anyway here are my pics. I have 9 chicks. hopeful they all survive, I seem to have gotten a pretty good variety

Best pics I could get of these active little babies while also making sure my two year old didn't get hold of any of them!
. The yellow one may be a Buff Orp and the black with head spot could be a Barred Rock. That is all I got. BTW, I love Kauai, Will these be running around with the rest of the chickens on the island?
We built a nice big coop and run on our property for our egg layers to keep the separate from all the feral ones around here haha and also to keep them safe from cats and dogs. But they'll be let out under supervision to roam around our big yard. @Cel45
The breeder said she looks to be an offspring out of her Dutch batch. Does that sound right?

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