how long after the brooding cycle before hen resumes laying?


In the Brooder
May 8, 2016
One of my Rhode Island Reds, previously a good layer, went through an approximate 27-day brooding cycle. Then snapped out of it just as abruptly as when she started. She's back to daily normalcy with her 7 free-ranging sisters, except for egg laying. How long does it generally take for a hen to resume laying following the conclusion of a brooding period?
Howdy dustcover

If I break a broody within 2-3 days of her going broody, she normally returns to laying within a week or so.

However, if I let the broody hatch and raise chicks, she may not return to laying until the chicks are 8-12 weeks of age.

This can depend on whether she is one who cuts the cord early or likes to keep her chicks with her as long as possible.

I have either broken a hen or given her eggs, I have not left her broody without eggs for any period of time so I can not definitively answer your question. But, as she has been through the cycle, but does not have any chicks to raise, she may return to laying in a matter of weeks.

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