Bahia or Coastal Bermuda (or what) hay for Donkey's

Still more questions about feeding the donkey's...

Would Timothy hay mixed with Coastal Bermuda (half and half) be a good choice for feed? and About how much? Twice a day? I'm guessing their weight @ ~500-600 pounds...
Would Nutrena SafeChoice Senior be a good supplement (half pound scoop per donkey)?
What are the odds that they could suffer bloating from just a Coastal Bermuda diet? and are there some signs I should be watching for?

Another problem I'm having is that Willow won't let me get her holter off... tried peppermint balls, sweet feed... she still back off as soon as my hand gets near the side of her head.

oh, and any ideas on Baking Soda? Heard it was ok for the goats... would it help/hurt the donkey's?
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I feed baking soda free choice to my goats. I don't know if my donkeys would eat it but it should be fine.

I know what Timothy hay is, I am unfamiliar with coastal Bermuda. Timothy is a good hay choice, so the mix should be fine. I am also unfamiliar with that brand of feed, but that sounds okay.

I would feed a few slabs of hay a day per donkey and see how quickly they eat it up. Hay of that type can be fed free choice to both donkeys and goats.

Some donkeys can end up head shy due to rough handling by people. You might just need to spend some time just slowly touching her, backing off when she reacts than going at it again. It can take some time to undo any abuse, or lack of handling whichever it is. She's still pretty new to you and it will take time for her to know she can trust you.

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