Mallard ducks


Dec 15, 2016
have 2 grown mallard ducks I recently got them a heat lamp to go into their duck house but it's almost like they are scared of it they won't go in when it's turned on. anyone else experience this ? Do I need to start locking them up at night so they kinda just have to deal with it? Cause now they have free range to go in or out whenever. I just don't want them to suffer in the cold.
To be honest Ducks do not need a Heat lamp.......Thick dry straw in their house and shut them in for the night is all they need.....I locked mine into the Garage on a bed of Straw and a Heat lamp only because it got down to -28 Celsius over night......Other than that they spend all day in the Run and sleep in their Dog house that I lock them into once it starts getting dark.....I have straw down in the Run to keep them off the cold ground....

Happy Ducks....


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