Incubating a double yolker


Dec 28, 2016
Hi All!
I'm new to this and I just had a light Brama chicken lay a double yolker. I'm going to attempt to hatch it like the rest but from what I've read people don't seem to have much success (if any) with hatching twins. Any advice is helpful!
Some people do hatch double yolked eggs. Usually it does not work out well, but you are dealing with life, sometimes it surprises you. Usually the ones that get them to hatch have to do a lot of hands on help during hatch.

It’s quite possible for the two embryos to grow and develop. A lot of times they do. Hatch time is usually the problem. To hatch a chick has to position itself for internal pip, then internal pip. It learns to breathe air when it punctures the air cell. It has to absorb the yolk, dry up blood vessels outside its body and absorb that blood, and do some other things to get ready for external pip. Then it has to zip, cut all around the egg so it push its way out. It’s hard for a chick to do that if another one is in the way. If one is ahead of the other in development the late one has a lot less chance.

I can’t tell you that you cannot do it, that you will totally always absolutely fail. A few people have been successful, usually by helping a lot with the hatch. I try to set myself up for success so I don’t incubate double yolked eggs. If you want to try it, go ahead, it will be an adventure. Just be prepared to not like the results.

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