Questions to ask before buying chicks


In the Brooder
Mar 9, 2017
Alberta, Canada
Hi guys! So I've never bought chicks before- this will be our first year raising chickens. I've got a few lined up to pick up this weekend and have been thinking- maybe I'm missing some info? I have an extensive background with dogs and know all about what to ask and look for in a breeder/rescue and to beware of internet scams or puppy mills. Is there any similar concerns with buying chickens? I'm just looking for pets/laying birds so not concerned if they are show worthy but I'm planning on meeting one breeder on the side of a highway to pick up my polish chicks (meeting halfway between our places)... is there anything particular I need to ask or red flags I need to be aware of when buying chicks?
Well,as you know by meeting on the highway you loose the ability to see the parents , I like to see where they were raised .
That being said I too have bought in parking lots
, Pick up each one , check their butts, look for clean healthy skin, clear eyes.if ones smaller don't except it, it may not thrive.

I'd ask :
1.What are you feeding them , I ask for some of that feed to mix in with the new feed( just like dogs )
2. What kind of heat are they under
3.can I call you with questions, a real breeder will make the time for you
4.which breeds do you have? For future buys

You'll know just like a puppy mill owner by the eye contact and answers you get if they are legitimate.
Awesome ideas, thanks for the reply. I'll send an email to ask those questions ahead of time so I'm prepared and I'll admit I probably wouldn't have thought to check their bums. Thanks again!

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