20% AN Cattle Cubes


10 Years
May 27, 2013
So I have been feed my chickens a combo mainly consisting of 20% AN cattle cubes (20% all natural protein mix) and either cracked corn or chicken scratch if you ever seen cattle cubes they are just really big pellets and HARD to break so what I have been doing is filling up a bucket or 10 gallon tub with them then soaking them for about a day I also add the cracked corn or scratch which ever I have on had then feeding the "mush" to my chickens and they love it plus all that extra protein is really giving them a boost on egg production plus at $8.99 for a 50 lbs bag saves a lot rather then spending $15 for egg laying formula
Sorry it's taken so long to reply here is a pic of the niutrition label going on 3 months now and still laying better then ever this feed does contain calcium and my egg shells are harder then ever I've done a drop test and from 4 ft the shell cracks but the membrane remains in tack which is pretty impressive my customers like it too, you don't waste an egg when you accidentally drop one

You might consider adding a vitamin powder supplement for chickens that folks add to homemade grain mixes (can't remember what it is called)...thing is that methionine and lysine are important for chickens.Also thinking omegas? Other than that, I can't quite assess the nutrition contents.

There is a great thread on sharing your own feed recipes that may be helpful here...

One concern of course is that cattle are ruminants and chickens are not....so the feed might be, I don't know, not set up for chickens?

Since the feed is hard (like my alfalfa cubes I feed chickens) and you wet it (i ferment the cubes), why not try fermenting it? Makes all contents more bio-available to chickens...

Re: the eggshells etc, can't argue with success, and I find this very interesting! Perhaps someone with more nutritional knowledge will weigh in here...

Does the label list the contents? e.g. barley, field peas, etc?

I compared this to my organic layer feed label and it looks like the salt and fiber are considerably higher in your feed...fiber over double in yours...too much salt for sure is not so good, that much I do know...salt in mine is 0.25-0.30%. Fiber in mine is 5%.
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