Salmon Faverolle Chick Gender?


5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
I got this chick from Ideal poultry as a "pullet" but I am freaking myself out about the gender.... I am not allowed to have Roo's in my county so I will need to start finding a place to regime if it is a cockerel. Any advice is GREATLY appreciated! Thanks in advance!



I would relax for now, it's too soon to tell for sure, give it a few weeks than post another photo.
It used to be you could tell the sex of the faverolle chicks by the color of the feathers coming in. For the past year or two there has been darker colored pullets being bred at some hatcheries which can cause confusion and worry about their sex. So it's best to wait a bit longer until your chick is a bit older to see how it feathers out before trying to figure it out.
The only reason I ask is because you are able to sex salmon faverolles at 10 days...
In some cases yes. In yours, unfortunately not. Ideal does have off colored pullets that makes early sexing difficult. Look for the color of the chest and leg feathers when they come in, and post some pictures. Those will be a better indicator of gender than wing feathers.

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