What time of day do chickens drink the most water?

Henrik Petersson

11 Years
Jan 9, 2009
Karlskrona, Sweden
I was just reading up on turkey keeping, and stumbled upon this factoid:

Chickens are closely related and similar in many respects to turkeys, so does the same apply to chickens? I've never thought about the fact that chickens might drink more or less during certain times of the day, but I guess that it makes sense that they would drink more right after they wake up (we're all a bit dehydrated when we wake up, right?)

It would be good to know, because if the do drink more in the morning, I might start to take extra care to put fresh water in the pen every night after chicken bed time.
Not sure, but I keep water 24/7 in the coop and in the run.

Same here I keep a waterer and a feeder in the coop, but my coop is big & tall, keeps the humidity under control. Pop door is always open to the run, have 3 waterers and feeders in there all the time, one heated.
They must have water, even more so if they are confined and eating dry feed. I always keep 2 waterers just in case one gets funky or empty without me noticing it.
And I like to fill the water at night so the chorine will evaporate by morning.
I was just reading up on turkey keeping, and stumbled upon this factoid:

Chickens are closely related and similar in many respects to turkeys, so does the same apply to chickens? I've never thought about the fact that chickens might drink more or less during certain times of the day, but I guess that it makes sense that they would drink more right after they wake up (we're all a bit dehydrated when we wake up, right?)

It would be good to know, because if the do drink more in the morning, I might start to take extra care to put fresh water in the pen every night after chicken bed time.
Yeppers...they'll start eating early too, after the crop empties overnight.

I keep feed and water in coop 24/7,
in containers that hold a bit beyond their daily consumption and are pretty impervious to contamination,
then top off both every morning.
I was just reading up on turkey keeping, and stumbled upon this factoid:

 [COLOR=666600]Turkeys drink the most water during the first 4 hours of the day so make sure that there is enough water around, especially if the weather is hot. [/COLOR]

Chickens are closely related and similar in many respects to turkeys, so does the same apply to chickens? I've never thought about the fact that chickens might drink more or less during certain times of the day, but I guess that it makes sense that they would drink more right after they wake up (we're all a bit dehydrated when we wake up, right?)

It would be good to know, because if the do drink more in the morning, I might start to take extra care to put fresh water in the pen every night after chicken bed time.

I understand what your asking...;)......Yes, I always change out the water in the evenings..Then they have fresh every morning when they wake up..:).....

I noticed that my peafowl will drink lots of water right after they lay an egg, which is almost always at dusk. Not saying chickens will do the same, but maybe? I don't know... Either way, fresh water 24/7 is ideal.

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