
11 Years
Jul 30, 2008
I got a duck that was approx. 6 months old that was in 2003! (it was sort of a rescue)

I am simply amazed, it dawned on my yesterday just how old Quackers was.

Any one have a duck live that long?

I will say this, he is blind in one eye and don't see well out of the other but it doesn't stop him from chasing my hens around and yes he has two girlfriends. He has out lived two others.

Every morning we have to go through the routine of "herding" the ducks out into the yard and out of the chickens space, otherwise Quackers would run himself and the hens to death.

There is nothing worse than a male duck in the Spring as it relates to libido. Hence why once these ducks are gone no more.
I got a duck that was approx. 6 months old that was in 2003! (it was sort of a rescue)

I am simply amazed, it dawned on my yesterday just how old Quackers was.

Any one have a duck live that long?

I will say this, he is blind in one eye and don't see well out of the other but it doesn't stop him from chasing my hens around and yes he has two girlfriends. He has out lived two others.

Every morning we have to go through the routine of "herding" the ducks out into the yard and out of the chickens space, otherwise Quackers would run himself and the hens to death.

There is nothing worse than a male duck in the Spring as it relates to libido. Hence why once these ducks are gone no more.
My oldest Muscovy drake hatched in March of 2004. He passed away Feb of 2016 just 1 month shy of 12 yrs old.. I loved that duck he was my first.

Sounds like Quackers still has alot of spunk that is great.

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