Incubating Pheasant Eggs


In the Brooder
Mar 10, 2017

I am having problems incubating pheasant eggs. I have a pen with silver pheasants with a beautiful 2 year old male and 4 hens with 2 hens that are 2 years old and 2 hens that are 3 years old. They have been on Purina gamebird layer crumbles since mid January. They are laying great. The problem comes in when I incubate. The incubator in a forced air incubator with digital monitoring of temp and humidity and an auto turner that turns every 90 minutes. The temp is set to 100 degrees and the humidity set to 60 percent. Actual temp hovers in 99.2 to 99.8 degrees and humidity hovers at 57 to 63 percent. The first batch of 12 eggs hatched 4 birds with 2 being weak and dying. There were 4 more that began to pip and died before completing being hatched. I thought maybe the humidity was low in the last 3 days as the thin film surrounding the pheasant chicks seemed dry and hard. The second group of 8 eggs I incubated the same but increased the humidity to 70 percent for the last 3 days. Of these one pipped and died soon after and the second hatched completely but had a round and distended abdomen like its yolk sack may not have been completely absorbed. It died before it completely dried off. At day 27 none of the other eggs have done anything. I use the same incubator to hatch chickens, call ducks & turkeys without a problem. I even mailed ordered 400 quail eggs that hatched at 60 percent rate (I thought that was a pretty good hatch rate for mail order eggs). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have added a few other breeds of pheasants this year and was hoping to have some success hatching some offspring. Thank you for your time and I am looking forward to hearing your response.


I am having problems incubating pheasant eggs. I have a pen with silver pheasants with a beautiful 2 year old male and 4 hens with 2 hens that are 2 years old and 2 hens that are 3 years old. They have been on Purina gamebird layer crumbles since mid January. They are laying great. The problem comes in when I incubate. The incubator in a forced air incubator with digital monitoring of temp and humidity and an auto turner that turns every 90 minutes. The temp is set to 100 degrees and the humidity set to 60 percent. Actual temp hovers in 99.2 to 99.8 degrees and humidity hovers at 57 to 63 percent. The first batch of 12 eggs hatched 4 birds with 2 being weak and dying. There were 4 more that began to pip and died before completing being hatched. I thought maybe the humidity was low in the last 3 days as the thin film surrounding the pheasant chicks seemed dry and hard. The second group of 8 eggs I incubated the same but increased the humidity to 70 percent for the last 3 days. Of these one pipped and died soon after and the second hatched completely but had a round and distended abdomen like its yolk sack may not have been completely absorbed. It died before it completely dried off. At day 27 none of the other eggs have done anything. I use the same incubator to hatch chickens, call ducks & turkeys without a problem. I even mailed ordered 400 quail eggs that hatched at 60 percent rate (I thought that was a pretty good hatch rate for mail order eggs). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have added a few other breeds of pheasants this year and was hoping to have some success hatching some offspring. Thank you for your time and I am looking forward to hearing your response.


Hey Mike, What brand of incubator are you using? Are you using a second meter to check the built in one? If its one of Those incubators like Tractor Supply sells--they are usually way off on the meter readings. 60% humidity, wow, You talking about for the incubation then you increase it some for the hatch?
I agree, check the actual humidity with a reliable and confirmed hygrometer. Also, maybe check the temp too. I had an incubator that was off on temp once, a styrofoam little giant incubator. Also, maybe increase the humidity during the hatch to 80%+. Pheasants need some good humidity, especially here in dry western Colorado.
Could be a bacterial infestation in the incubator. Try sanitizing the bator with bleach. Don't get the electronics wet but wipe the sensitive areas with a towel moisten with the bleach. Let air dry, outside if possible and try another hatch.
Thank you for the suggestions. My incubator is a Rite-Farm Pro-528. I wasn't familiar with the brand but everything I could find about it was positive. I do not have back-up thermometer or hygrometer that's a great idea. I have stopped all incubation once and cleaned it with a bleach solution and used the incubators built in sanitizer light. I really, really appreciate your help. I'm open to any ideas. Thank everyone for their help.
I would not crank up the humidity any higher than 70-75%. I have been incubating all my pheasant and peafowl eggs at 60% for all but the last three days before hatch. At that point I bumped it up to 65%. It sounds like there might be problems with your thermometer and hygrometer. Is your turner able to turn the eggs properly? That can be a problem that really hurts hatching rates.

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