Egg quality issue


Apr 24, 2017
Howdy...this is my first post. Anyway, I have an Orpington and an Ameraucana who have been laying for about a month. They are free range and get a fair amount of treats (spinach, peanuts, tomatoes), but not enough that I consider it excessive. Anyway, when the eggs are hard boiled, the whites come out very squishy even though the yolks are nicely cooked. Does anyone know what could be causing this?
I boil them as I do store-bought eggs. Bring to a rapid boil and then remove from heat. Let them sit about 15 minutes.
I think it may be to do with freshness of the eggs. Store bought eggs could be 3-4 weeks old. The whites go runny as the eggs get older and will take less cooking as a result. With your own eggs being so fresh, the whites will take more cooking.
Most people seem to boil for 5-6 minutes and then cool rapidly with cold/ice water.
Your problem is most likely more to do with your own egg quality being better than you are used to with store bought eggs and either adopt a new technique for cooking them or keep them a few weeks before you boil them.... I generally use up older eggs by boiling and keep the fresh eggs for frying, baking etc. I find that they peel better after boiling if they are older too.
I started having this same issue after I switched feed.....but it only effected 1 of 7 chickens eggs (after she went through a hard summer molt).

Now I have 7 chicks raised on Purina Chick Starter, and the first few eggs fried up nice and firm whites, like homegrown should, then I noticed that these eggs have a really thick albumen when raw, and it cooks up squishy, kinda of watery (this was noticed when I was transitioning to layer pellets). So I think it could be the feed/layer pellets.

A first I thought my one hen had an issue........she layed non-stop for 2 1/2 years before FINALLY molting last summer.

Anyone have any thoughts? The texture of these eggs are not good, and is very disappointing.
I was always told to not bother boiling fresh eggs because they don't turn out right/don't cook like store bought. I did see something about baking eggs to make "boiled" eggs instead, maybe that will work better?

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