chicks started laying a few days ago. Meat spots?


In the Brooder
Jan 28, 2017
Bonita California
So we have 3 BO and 1JG we think the JG "Poppy" is who is laying we are new to having chicks we have had them since they were about a week old back in Dec. any ways we are totally stoked we started getting eggs the joy it brings to our 2 1/2 little girl they are small but we didn't expect till May or June so we have had about 6 eggs and out of the 6, 4 of them has had a tiny spot in it that looks like dirt or gravel I have been reading and it seems like maybe meat spot but unsure any info is helpful

Could be. Any eggs with meat spots I make a batch of scrambled eggs or use in cooking. Just can't have sunny side up if there's a large meat spot in it. It's nothing that will hurt you or turn flavor just a mental thing is all.

Newly laying hens commonly have small pieces of lining or blood in them. It will stop soon. Sometimes occurs after long molt and winter in older hens too when restarting full lay. It all works out quickly though and soon are gone.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

It takes a while for very young birds to get their egg laying machines in good working order. Pullets are still growing and will continue to grow into their second year. And so is their egg making system.

A bit of blood can be common in all ages of hens as when the tiny yolk breaks away from their "yolk stash" in their bodies, the vessel that fed the yolk can stay attached. Meat and other items in the egg can be picked up in the oviduct before it gets to the uterus and become encased in the egg. This is common as well.

Some of the production birds do tend to lay earlier than they should and it isn't always a good thing. The heavier breeds and heritage breeds hold off until their 6th or 7th month do fare better in the laying department over all if they begin laying when their system is ready. I am sure your birds will do fine as they grow.

Good luck with your birds and welcome to our roost! :)
Could be. Any eggs with meat spots I make a batch of scrambled eggs or use in cooking. Just can't have sunny side up if there's a large meat spot in it. It's nothing that will hurt you or turn flavor just a mental thing is all.

Newly laying hens commonly have small pieces of lining or blood in them. It will stop soon. Sometimes occurs after long molt and winter in older hens too when restarting full lay. It all works out quickly though and soon are gone.

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