Eggs just started piping, how long until they fully hatch?

My chick started moving and piped inside its shell but it didn't brake through the shell yet its been 14h's should I be worried and should I still hold out for the full 48h's i'm now in day 22 and having concerns because at 7pm it stopped moving I rechecked at 10pm I heard a chirp so I left him be.
At 7am no movement or chirping from the egg what can be done at this point ?

well it is now 2:30pm and still no movement or pips from the egg.
I think he may have quit inside the shell.
My chick started moving and piped inside its shell but it didn't brake through the shell yet its been 14h's should I be worried and should I still hold out for the full 48h's i'm now in day 22 and having concerns because at 7pm it stopped moving I rechecked at 10pm I heard a chirp so I left him be.
At 7am no movement or chirping from the egg what can be done at this point ?

well it is now 2:30pm and still no movement or pips from the egg.
I think he may have quit inside the shell.

well its now 10:30pm @ 9AM it will be 38 h's
I feel that the chick's time has passed and I think I should have done something yesterday at 10pm as its chirp sounded week as time passed and movement stopped I believe I waited to long.
In the morning I will crack his shell open and see what had gone wrong and than I will Barry him.
Thanks everybody for the great responses, I really appreciate it.

They ended up hatching during the night, so I woke up this morning to find 3 new baby chicks.  I moved them to the brooder, dipped their beaks in the water (which I have rocks in the waterer so that they do not drown, but they can access the water).  They were mainly still sleeping/resting when I had to leave for work, so I hope that they will be ok today and learn to drink/eat.  /img/smilies/big_smile.png
I've had lots of chicks with full size watering units and never had a chick drowned. The really small chick waterers are useless, they fill with pine chips immediately.
well its now 10:30pm @ 9AM it will be 38 h's
I feel that the chick's time has passed and I think I should have done something yesterday at 10pm as its chirp sounded week as time passed and movement stopped I believe I waited to long.
In the morning I will crack his shell open and see what had gone wrong and than I will Barry him.

Well it looks like some how the chick broke his beak and was in the wrong position as he had his head tucked under his wing and it was dry in side of the shell.
I had the humidity at 59 to 60% as I had problems keeping it steady but I feel that I could have saved him if I opened the shell earlier.
Well that's life I guess so its time for my next few to go in and try it over.
My chick started moving and piped inside its shell but it didn't brake through the shell yet its been 14h's should I be worried and should I still hold out for the full 48h's i'm now in day 22 and having concerns because at 7pm it stopped moving I rechecked at 10pm I heard a chirp so I left him be.
At 7am no movement or chirping from the egg what can be done at this point ?
OMG heard my first pip this am. I am about to go nuts with the wait:( . I ordered Black Copper Marans from EBay. I got 13 eggs hoping more than 1 hatches.
This is the first time I've tried a bator.

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