Can you really hatch eggs under a heat lamp?


10 Years
Feb 23, 2009
My husband claims that you can take the fertile eggs and put them under a regular heat lamp and they will hatch! I think he is off his he?
I have a Canada Goose that some one hatched using a desk lamp . I dont know if its such a good idea as the goose now had angle wing and its bottom beak is a little longer than the top but hes fine and healthy
I've heard of it being done before, but I don't think it would be easy and has a lot of potential for error. As long as you kept the temps and humidity where it needed to be - it should work!
We tried this at my daughters school we put the eggs in a fish tank with a heat lamp and a container of water covered it (making sure the cover didnt touch the lamp) They hatched but we only got a few to hatch.
Hang on I'll find the pictures.
Ahh, said I would find these pictures sorry it took so long....
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It is like many many things in life Possible but not likely. Many variables. If ambient room temps were very consistent and you had some humidity in the room it could happen.
hi , i have an exchequer leghorn who recently laid about 12 eggs , shes been naughty with a buff orpington cock for a few weeks. the problem was that she only sat on the eggs at night and wondered off during day time when i let her out , so i thought of an idea! during day time i take the eggs and put them under a heat light (60w) and at night put them back an she sits on them again . i candled the eggs and saw the developed veins and a little beating heart in eight out of 12. i think it is working! i think i am just helping her a little bit as its her first time, its day six now, fingers crossed ,lets see what happens!

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