Genetics creating barred Araucana


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 9, 2009

Can Barred Hollands be used to create Barred Araucanas?
They lay white eggs, this will help keep blue color.
They have red Ear lobes, which is what is needed for Araucana.
They do have yellow shanks and toes, which it would be better not to have.
But what can you do? I can't find anyone to by BarredAraucanas from.
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I am not sure, but I do not think barred Araucana ezist yet. What you will have is either Ameraucanas or Easter Eggers.

I would like some one that knows to answer this question also. I have eggs in the incubator now for chicks from a Araucana rooster and a Barred Rock hen.
Just breed them and take the yellow legs with them, whats the big deal about yellow legs, there is no standard barred color in araucana and so you could show them in AOV at shows, just as others do with none standard colors of a you'd take some ribbons to showing them..

Personally i think the yellow legs look better anyways on barred, better then attempting to get dark or light colored legs on them..

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OK, well Krys109uk you answered that question and that is good to know considering some say you cant, that will inspire others not to give it hope on leg color on barred....still the yellow legs are good to go in my book.
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Araucanas have yellow skin, so yellow shanks and toes are allowed.

Ameraucanas have white skin and yellow/green in the shanks and toes is not allowed, only slate or black.
Bull that maybe be on araucana, but Ive seen folks showing white legged/skinned araucana and winning which is not a standard of the breed..
so why not an exception for ameraucana??

Thank you but i know this, i think i raise araucana..??

what would happen if you bred a maran cuckoo with a black ameraucana even though the OP is talking about araucana. couldn't you get the white skin and dark leg color to go along with the f1 and still carry the color along to the f2's?? egg color would be terrible but the plumage and skin and leg color would fit the bill.
however egg color would need more attention down the road.
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what would happen if you bred a maran cuckoo with a black ameraucana even though the OP is talking about araucana. couldn't you get the white skin and dark leg color to go along with the f1 and still carry the color along to the f2's?? egg color would be terrible but the plumage and skin and leg color would fit the bill.
however egg color would need more attention down the road.

IMO The white skin, or lack of, is easier to correct, than the egg colour.
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The reason I Like Barred Hollands for the mix Instead of Cuckoo Marans is Egg Color! Marans are known for very dark brown egg color, hard to get to blue. Barred Holland White Egg color, so blue will carry on to the chicks. The Maran's barring is sex linked so slate or black will be hard to get because the barring gene causes problems.

Yes people are working on the barred Araucana, but they seem not to want anyone to help.
I guess this is the case because I did get in contact with 2 of them but they never got back to me even though I made several tries. So I 'm thinking of doing it myself. starting next week with the Barred Hollands. At least I"ll get blue egg color, As someone just said there is not a standard for the so yellow shak and feet would work. So comb and body type will need work and muff,beard. Better than fighting Olive Eggs also.
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